The biggest government newspapers blockchain base was hacked in Argentina

“Our own newspaper’s system, which is based on blockchain, was hacked and used for spreading fake news about coronavirus” — was admitted in Boletin Oficial, the official informative recourse of Argentina’s government.

Local resource El Cronista has told about a group of people who tried to hack the newspaper’s system but faced the only failure. However, they found a weak spot in the core, which did let them add some fake news about coronavirus pandemic. Also, there were added some instructions for government workers about their actions while the emergency because of terrifying illnesses (coronavirus). Soon, just after it was noticed by the company’s workers, the website Boletin Oficial was shut down for a few hours.

This informative resource is main in the country and belongs to Argentina’s government. Moreover, after decree No 207/2016 its digital version (web-site) became part of governmental’s property. Nowadays each new accepted law or decree by the government has been publishing in Boletin Oficial.

The most interesting and confusing part of this story is that this article still can be found on the official site. Looks like people, who are in charge of the country and newspaper has decided to leave this fake news and legalize it.

The blockchain platform used by Boletin Oficial is the part of Argentina’s national project called “Blockchain Federal Argentina”. This project has been made especially for government and private companies. By the way, at the beginning of March, the system which is used for registration of new companies will be shut down one more time for 180 days. Official reason — create some improvements to make the site safer and more perfect.

Выбрали дипломы в наличии Москва. Однако за прошедшие годы нам удалось значительно снизить затраты для наших собственных клиентов благодаря отлаженным дипломы в наличии Москва. Чем ниже цена, тем хуже качество. Честная и надежная компания всегда имеет квалифицированную техническую поддержку, к котор

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